Monday, January 25, 2010

nothing to blog about

it’s been over 2 months. i know. i just always want to blog about the same thing. but i can’t. it’s depressing and too personal. no point in being mrs. depresso of the century. so i thought i’d grace you with a quick little update to hold you over for the next few months (or perhaps sooner). that is if anyone even still reads my blog?


-had old roomies visit for another roomies wedding (SO FUN!!!!)CIMG3855

-sold our van and the camry :(


-bought a 2003 toyota corolla which is very enjoyable excellent indeed

-had an enjoyable thanksgiving with ry’s fam


-got my wisdom teeth out…still recovering

-became a licensed social worker. that’s right. i’m now Jacquie Bedke, LSW. CRAZY!

-started my first social work job. i work at a partial care. i basically teach social skills to children ages 4-8 w/mental health problems (and plenty of other issues). it has been EXHAUSTING and i came home in tears for weeks. but it’s becoming very rewarding. it feels good to be a positive role model for kids who don’t have one.  i heart “my kids”.

-had a great Christmas with ry’s fam. we were spoiled by both our families!!


-celebrated our 3 year anniversary. it’s hard to believe it’s been 3 years. it’s gone by so fast! but it just keeps getting better and better. love you babe!

-oh and work, work, work.


-celebrated the new year with some excellent fort and snowman building. cuddled for about 72 hrs straight. it was great!

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-work, work, work and work. oh and sleep. and paperwork. fun!

-ry went to vegas for work, or should i say fun??

-decided 95% of the people we know are pregnant.

-been sick about every week. it comes with working with kids i guess. it’s a constant roller coaster of sickness. feeling good monday. by friday i’m on my death bed. recover over the weekend with movies and sleep. repeat.

So to my dear friends, who i’ve so rudely neglected (you know you’re out there)…

i officially have no social life. i wake up, work, do paperwork and lesson planning, spend an hour with the hubby, sleep and repeat the next day. i think of you…i promise. daily. and i wish i would just pick up the phone and call and chat or plan a date, but i admit defeat. i have no energy. barely enough to be up this late. forgive me! and maybe one day (soon, i hope!) we can resume our friendship like normal human beings. as for now, i must be a workaholic. i must.

