Sunday, February 13, 2011

ask a question, any question…

I’m going to try something, but it requires your participation. We’ll see how it works.

I know that the whole ranch lifestyle is foreign to a lot of people. {It was to me up until recently} So this is your opportunity to ask me a question you’ve been dying to know as you read our blog. Maybe you’re wondering how many acres we’re on or how many head of cow we run? Maybe you’re curious if I get bored with no phone/internet/tv? Or what I do with all the time I have?  Or perhaps you have a question completely unrelated to the ranch?

Just post a comment with your question and I will answer them throughout the week.

Ready, set, GO…


~Wyatt~Brittney~Brecken~Oliver~ said...

I SO want to know what your doing with your time! Especially in the winter! Do you have movies you can watch or no TV at all?! I would go nuts nuts nuts nuts nuts without internet or phone!

Poulsen Family said...

When can I see you? :)

Lindsey said...

Um, how many potatoes do you harvest in a year? HAHA, jk...Ryan already answered all my dumb questions : )

Oh, I guess one question: Do you ever get nervous about medical stuff out there in the middle of no where? Like what happens if someone gets hurt?

And a challenge: Can you please have you and Harper be wearing pioneer clothes and be sweeping the floor with a homemade stick and grass broom one of these days when Ry gets home...PLEASE?!?!?! And be sure to take a picture of his reaction.

I can't wait to take pictures of the ranch when we come, I am totally getting accustomed to my camera!

Hama Roska said...

I'm a little out of the loop, so I want to know what took you to a ranch in Nevada?

Kristina said...

I've wondered how you survive without internet and phone, and how much discipline it takes to only go to the store and do all your other errands once a week. Is Harper just a really good, patient baby? I'm lucky if I can get a good half hour of shopping out of my son, so I end up taking multiple trips a week (and using a lot of gas). I really have been thinking of you (guiltily) when I go somewhere twice in two days!