Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Ry and I spent some time cleaning out his room @ his parent’s house. This is what we discovered…

IMG_0663My Sexy Eagle Scout



My wedding dress wouldn’t do up in the back!

PLEASE tell me you have the same problem?????????


Poulsen Family said...

I can't do mine up either- oh wait I don't own my dress!

Kimberly said...

i dont dare try...i weigh more now than i ever have...i blame it on the meds ive been on! hence the diet and crazy exercise!!

The Musson Family said...

No worries, the next person to fit in that dress will be your children. Remember when you guys were wearing my. LOL

Kristina said...

Oh honey, I wouldn't even try, either. Don't worry about it! Miss ya! :)

MaryAnne and Thayne said...

I don't even think I could get mine over my fat butt!! So you are doing way better then me.