Friday, May 14, 2010

the day of love

We spent Valentine’s day with Ryan’s family. I made sure that we were both dressed for the occasion…IMG_10372

And Ryan’s sister Addie and I made sure there were lots of delicious love cookies for everyone… IMG_1041

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Happy Love Day (3 months ago today)!!!!



Heather @ Raising Memories Blog said...

Hurray for the blog overload! :)
I want to eat those cookies! :)

Sandy -- As Told By Mommy said...

Um, wow...amazingly gorgeous cookies! By the way, so glad you are finally updating!!

The Musson Family said...

I love that picture of you and Ryan. You look so cute. And the cookies look so yummy. I bet the boys ate them all right? You are always cooking with Addie and making such fun things.

MaryAnne and Thayne said...

You look really beautiful in that picture!! I love v-day. Yes I am talking about you Jacquie not Ryan. Ha Ha.